Yesterday afternoon our prayers were answered. We received information about a beautiful Ethiopian baby girl, her name is Semenesh. This has been long awaited, as we started the process Feb. of 2008. We're glad we waited! This baby girl is perfect for our family in every way. Her mother's story is heartbreaking but she has done the best thing for her baby and given a wonderful gift to Semenesh and to us.
Judah says his favorite thing about his sister is that "she will play with him." It may still be a while (she is a tiny 6 lbs. at two months) but if he has learned anything through this process, it's patience.
Today we took her medical information to our pediatrician who had no real concerns about her health. All of her blood work looks good and we have decided to accept the referral! We anticipate receiving a court date, which could take anywhere from 4-6 months. Our family trusts that Semenesh is getting great care and she is receiving lots of love while she waits for her forever family.
We LOVE her sweet face and look forward to meeting it soon!